I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I Smell Snow

With the change in weather I am finally in the mood for the Holiday Season. I will have to admit that when I walked into a certain favorite store of mine the day after Halloween and was greeted with Merry Christmas and Christmas music blaring I was not ready for the change in season.
Although this year is less crazy without the constant traveling to see my husband it still seems to be flying by and when November 1st rolled around I was less than excited to greet my usually favorite time of year. It also didn't help that we had already had two snow storms (and I thought I had moved to a state with less snow)
But now with Thanksgiving rapidly approaching and some of my favorite things appearing (Christmas cups at Starbucks, sweaters and the smell of homemade breads and sweets) I have started getting in the mood for Christmas and even ordered our Christmas cards!
I hope this Holiday Season is a wonderful and filled with loved ones whether you are enjoying the snow or not!
And to give you a reason for the post title here is a link to a clip from my all time favorite show! Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuS5IrQPqFg

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jackaolpe Jump - Team Mia

Well after all the holiday fuss and the start of the New Year...also comes the Jackalope Jump. If you don't know what this entails, let me tell you: It is a cold water jump in March to raise money for local Special Olympic Althletes to have money to go to local, state and national games. We have created a team to celebrate the joy, love and trust that Mia Grace celebrated on this earth for her short 20 months. She embodied the joy, love and celebration of each day that we want our athletes to have each and every day. If you would like to participate please check out the donation page or email me! http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/jennifer-storrie/team-mia

I will admit on here only that this has been a hard year to get Team Mia up and going because I don't want people to feel that I am holding so tightly to her I am not living in the present or that I am drudging up old pain. But with those feelings I also always want Mia's life celebrated, because as much as I will always miss and grieve her she was the most amazing angel I could have been given, no matter how short of time I was graced by her!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's a Miracle (Back to blogging)

With a new year, I figured I would end the blogging dry spell and give a brief run down of the holidays! I know it is crazy that I haven't been on here in so long but with my resolutions this year hopefully it will get better.

Lets see this holiday season was primarily spent in Ft. Collins and CO. We were able to see Allie and Nate and spend a lot of time just being together which was nice after the first part of the school year was so hectic.

This year some thoughts and resolutions:
1. To blog at least once a month just to stay on top of my happenings, see growth and also keep up with few blogs I do look at.
2. To try and reach my students in this last semester and really push them to becoming even more amazing kiddos.
3. To really search and take to heart studying the Bible each day along with taking time to be still and prayerfully see what God wants in my life!
4. To find a job in Ft. Collins or continue on with my masters.
5. To enjoy each day as it comes with people I love and let each days worries be sufficent for the day.

Now some pictures from the Holidays!